Frequently Asked Questions
Degree and Courses
What is the difference between the BA and BFA tracks?
The main difference between these tracks is the amount of classes required to complete the degree. Everyone takes the same “base level” courses that go into the BA degree and then BFA is similar to an emphasis or specialty in other majors that requires extra classes such as Drama 30, Lighting Design, etc. Check out the requirements in the UCI registrar by following the links below.
BA course requirements:
BFA course requirements:
Who do I meet with if I need help with enrollment issues? Program requirements? Unit Increase requests? Prerequisite info? Class scheduling?
All of these questions and more can be directed to our Arts Academic Counselors. We recommend reaching out to the Director of Student Affairs, Amy Kim at You can also head to the website page ( to join a live chat or find out more information on who you can meet with!!
Are there any examples of four year plans for dance majors available?
Yes! The CTSA website has SAMPLE schedules of all three tracks: BA, BFA Choreo, and BFA Performance. Keep in mind that everyone's schedule will look different and that there are SO MANY different routes to take. These are just examples of what has worked for some people.
What is the difference between “Shop Crew” and “Show Crew” for Drama101?
Shop Crew is typically a full quarter worth of work that involves weekly meetings like that of a normal class. For example, you could meet every Monday for shop from 1-2pm. It includes: production studio, costume, prop, electrics, and audio shops.
Show Crew is different in that the projects happen during tech and show weeks. These tend to be longer hours in the theater, but for only 2 weeks at a time. For example, you could be called to be in the space from 5pm-11pm during New Slate tech Monday through Thursday nights. These include scenic, costume, stage management, audio, and electrics crew.
For more information check out the drama callboard website here:
Classroom environment
How are we graded in dance technique classes like ballet and jazz?
The majority of your technique grades will be based on attendance and effort. As you may know, dance is not like other majors, so it is really important to try and be in class as much as you can and show the professors that you are taking their guidance. The final is a very small portion of your grade and is much more focused on a cumulation of the work you’ve been doing all quarter. ​
If I am injured do I still go into class?
When injured, every dancer is to listen to their body first and foremost. We want everyone to stay safe and be able to heal quickly! With that being said, there are a couple of options. Always let your professor know what is going on first- communication is key! We recommend modifying in class to the best of your ability. If you feel like this is too much on your body, you are encouraged to sit out and take notes of the class. Each professor will have different things they will want you to take notes on, so just ask them for specifics.
Is there a way I can check my attendance?
Yes! By going to the course's canvas page, assignments, and then opening up the “Roll Call Attendance” assignment, you will see something similar to what is shown below. While this is available, we HIGHLY recommend keeping track of your own absences. Keep in mind that professors have their own way of inputting attendance into canvas that doesn't always reflect what they have in their paper records. For example, you could be marked as late one day, but you could’ve been taking note, modifying, etc. So pay the most attention to the absent days. It is always a good idea to send an email confirmation of any absent/late/modified class dates to your professors at the end of the quarter to make sure everything is accurately inputed.
If I need accommodation, who do I reach out to?
First, reach out to your professor either in person or via email. They are very open-minded and will work with you to make something work. If you have further needs such as, a specific medical or disability concern, you can contact the Student Health Center at (949) 824-5301 and/or Disability Services Center (DSC) at or the DSC Front Desk at (949) 824-7494. If facing any other additional stressors, you can contact Campus Social Work at or (949) 824-0101.
Where is the nearest dance store?
Atomic Dancewear is a 10 minute drive from campus located at 17961 Sky Park Cir Bld 38-J, Irvine, CA 92614.
What are department show auditions like? What should I wear?
Auditions involve check-in starting an hour prior, followed by dancers completing a self warm-up. Typically, there are three-four genres (ballet, modern, jazz, hip hop), but it can vary depending on what choreographers are looking for. Be sure to read the flier information that is sent out with the sign-up and ask stage management if you have any questions!
The dress code that is usually sent out is as follows, but definitely wear what makes you feel most confident!
TOP: leotard or a form-fitting top or t-shirt
BOTTOMS: Black, pink, or flesh-toned full-length tights for ballet; leggings or pants for other styles
HAIR: Securely fastened/pinned up/ out of your face