This year, UCI has the opportunity to host ACDA's Baja Conference and celebrate its 50th Anniversary! This 4-day conference is an amazing opportunity to take class and network with dancers and professionals from all over the West Coast! As a participating university, UCI can have up to 40 students taking part in the conference, on a first come, first serve basis. In exchange for being able to take these workshops and participate free of charge, you must be willing to volunteer some of your time to assist with various jobs needed to help the conference run smoothly. The volunteering would be at least two 90-minute shifts that might include checking students in for classes, helping with tech rehearsals, and helping set up for added activities.
The deadline to register for the conference is MARCH 10th BY 5PM. You can find a sample schedule for the conference here to help inform your decision! The conference is towards the end of spring break, March 30th-April 2nd and you need to be available for all 4 days. There is also a webpage that can give you more information if you're interested!
To sign up, as a volunteer and take class, follow the QR code and fill out the google form!! For any questions, message CSAC via IG or email us at csacdance.uci@gmail.com or reach out to Graduate student Frankie Henderson, fhender1@uci.edu. We hope to see you there!
